
Friday, April 27, 2012

Part 5-Anatomy of a Pattern

   To continue with my Spring runner pattern and the work that goes into creating a new design, I will now begin on the applique' part of the runner.  We left off with sketching the artwork for some sweet peas which will be sewn on each end of this runner.
 My giant light box is so handy to transfer designs onto fabric.  This one was lovingly made for me by my dear Ron.
 I'll move the runner around until I find the placement I like best.  Symmetry is very important to me.
 With the transfer completed on each end, and really I didn't need to draw the flowers on but at the time I thought I would try the crayon method so that this had a very pastel feel to it.  But as I colored one bud in I didn't like it so...
 Pull some fabrics for applique.  Keep it light and try and match the pallet of the body of the runner.
 The pieces are laid out.
 I'm ready to start sewing everything in place.
 These are the threads I pulled from my bobbin ring, they should be perfect.  
We are getting close to finishing this, stay tuned for the embroidery, quilting, binding and finally the directions and photography that will make this a new Simply Put pattern.  Have a great weekend.


  1. Coloring good!!! i think you need to do a little seperate piece (maybe a label for the back?)-that you color in and then stitch around the edge. the stitching makes ALL the difference......maybe i will do a label..... but first i am thinking of the inscription i want on my magazine....."to my best friend in the, "to my, well i am still thinking, stalking......

  2. Oh Mary, what am I going to do with you? I will be happy to sign your copy of the magazine whenever you get it.
