
Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Friend in Need

   When you hear a friend is ill and heading into the hospital a sense of helplessness comes over you.  I can't walk into that room without a little pick me up, so I put together a sewing basket.  I found a Kathy Schmidtz pattern and Ruth The Wool Lady donated Transfer-Eze paper.
 This was my first time using this product and I must say I'm a convert.  Just place the pattern in the copy machine and hit print.
 Out comes a peel and stick transfer that will wash away when all the stitching is done.
 This pattern came in two parts so I printed out both pages and lined it up on the fabric background.
 I made her one of my Simply Put needlecases loaded it with snippy scissors, embroidery needles, needle threader (again donated by Ruth), spool of Valdani thread and an embroidery hoop.
When she feels up to it this project will be there waiting for her and so will I.  Have a peace filled week.  Laural

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