
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Quilting Class #3

Let's make a sandwich.   We need to take what we have learned and begin to sew.  So grab that queen sized applique' quilt top you have been working on for two years and lets practice!  Well, of course not, and that's where those sandwiches come in handy.   Take a fairly good sized piece of fabric and place the same size piece of batting on top.  Place a smaller piece of fabric in the center of the batting, fold back one edge, spray lightly with 505.
 As you will do when this is a large quilt begin at the center and smooth outwards toward edges.  Spray the other end and repeat the smoothing.
 Gloves, every book and or teacher I have had has said to wear quilting gloves.  So I did.  These are from Fons and Porter, but as you can see I ended up cutting the fingers off and eventually I tossed them aside.  It is strictly a personal preference, I like to feel the fabric as I move it.   Others swear they get a good grip, so I'm leaving this to you.
 When you begin doing your own quilts I wanted to show you how to bring your bobbin thread up from the back.  Insert your needle into your sandwich.
 Now bring it up holding onto the top thread end.  Move your quilt slightly away from the foot, remember you are now in charge of that fabric.  And up will pop the bobbin thread.
 Grab both ends and reposition your needle on top of the original hole.  When you begin sewing you will hold tight to the thread for 3 or 4 stitches.   If you look back through my tutorials I show you how to tie off these threads.  For practice purposes just begin at the edge of your sandwich and begin sewing.
Todays homework is make a stack of sandwiches and continue training your brain on paper.  Also I was so pleased to hear from a fellow blogger that she has posted her first sewing attempts.  When we conclude our lessons I hope there will be others who will send me links or emails of any quilting you might have attempted.

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