
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Quilt Market Set Up Day

  We are here.  I will definitely try and post everyday so that you can go on this journey with me.  Found my space in isle #1700.
 These are my neighbors, if you look further down the isle there's my little helper bringing me my flooring, he's right under the Lecien booth sign!!!
 We have checked in at the registration desk.  
 The booth went up fairly quickly, it really helped to have it all mapped out in the garage at home.  The hutch is missing most of its samples as they need to go upstairs tonight for Sample Spree.
 I must say the nerves are getting the best of me.  When that happens I find water, lucky for me Portland has plenty of that.
 Even big boy relaxed as I'm sure he was daydreaming of doing a little catch and release fishing.
Taking a breather before we head back to the Convention Center and put in a long night.  I still need to decorate my spree table and my showcase shelf.  As we pass by the designers I recognize I whisper to Reid "she's really famous", he just shakes his head at me.


  1. they are whispering that about you too (famous...)

    have a great time, the booth looks great. my local quilt shop owner (Kelly Ann Quilting, Warrenton VA) is out there, she stocks your great things.
