
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Spring Market Day 2&3

  Obviously the pace at market is so fast that being able to blog each day was an unrealistic goal.  I have met some great shops which are now going to be carrying Simply Put.  That would be YEAH!  Visiting with some of the bloggers who I follow and who follow me, also YEAH!  I did get out and take a few pics of some of the booths that struck my fancy.  No, Susan I am not going to sit in the swan.
 Here's me pretending to like having my picture taken.
 This quilt Wow!  "Hugs and Kisses"
 Michael Miller a multi booth winner


 This is the Showcase Isle.  If you wanted to buy a shelf and showcase some of your items they were highlighted here.
  I have a picture of my shelf but the blog is fighting me right now so I will post at another time.  It's late and I have another long day tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear about this huge adventure of yours. I'm sure you were one of the rock stars! Glad you were able to meet lots of bloggers and buyers!! You Go Girl!!!
