Sunday, August 28, 2011

Girls Gather

  Sometimes the best plan is no plan at all.  When Georgianne sent out the e-vite to head over to the castle for a FREE sewing retreat, well you didn't have to ask me twice.
Christine, Georgianne and Susan plus my Janome
The two Roses

The best thing about this group is the variety of projects being worked on.  Although the fabric choices for all of us seemed to be in the bright family.
Susan's second froggie quilt.
Georgianne's almost completed quilt
The quality of the food wasn't so bad either, of course I'm only showing the healthy fruit platter not the cheese and bacon quiche' or bowls of candy on each table.

Georgianne makes all the clothes for her little granddaughter so she is always on the hunt for just the right print to make a little corduroy jumper or a summer dress.

Look how cute this is when Jane baked cookies to match the sewing project she was working on.  No, I'm not kidding and we need to make sure she is always invited.  Yummo

And I had to laugh when Ruth was gently kidded about dating and she retorted with "at this age all a man wants is a purse or a nurse".
   Jane and Ruth
Thank you girls it was memorable, productive and I was vaguely aware that it was 103 degrees outside.


Ruby Jean said...

Oh Laural it looks like you had a Lovely time and all the projects being worked on are Beautiful...And not to mention that Adorable Sea Horse Cookie.. : ) A Purse or a Nurse....Too CUTE!! Have a Blessed Week

Laural Lane said...

That cookie color is right up your alley. I found a little something for your "Blue Monday" post but you will have to wait until tomorrow for that.