Friday, August 26, 2011

Today's Color Is...

   Maybe it was filling my coffee cup this morning that was the inspiration for the color of the day but I'd like to think it was more than that.  
Sharing a malt with Big Boy.
 I didn't make this quilt it was one of the photos I took from Long Beach.  Some day I do hope to do a whole cloth quilt perhaps this will be my inspiration.
Turquoise quilting on a brown quilt.

Buttons and Lace.

Great, great, great Grandpa on family homestead in Norway.
  As a reminder, only 5 days left to get entered into the free give away this month.  An adorable fabric bundle with chicks, chicken wire and a pattern to make cute embroidery pillow.  See details to the left.  If you register to receive an email when I  make a blog post that does not get you entered as it doesn't show up in my stats.  Good luck and have a peace filled weekend.   Laural

1 comment:

Ruby Jean said...

That Malt looks Oh So delicious...I also LOVE the picture of the Buttons and Lace...Very Pretty...And the Picture of your Great Great Great Grandpa on the homestead...Priceless..: )
Have a Blessed weekend