Sunday, August 7, 2011

Friday Fun

   There is hardly a day that someone in the quilt shop doesn't say "How can you work here, I  would never have a paycheck?"  I always tell them it's very hard not to want to buy everything that comes in.  Especially when you walk in the door and this is ready to go out on the floor.
Pin cushion by Wooden Spool Designs #180
The Cocheco Mills Collection by Judie Rothermel for Marcus fabrics.  Too tempting to pass up.  Do I have a project in mind?  Absolutely not, but its so pretty.  Now I did add that brown polka dot from another line (Crossroads to Texas)  because I just loved the way they look together.
The Long Beach photos are almost over...
Older Sister loved this one.
 No, I won't make that for you, come look at this 9 patch.
I really focused on the art quilts this year, truly amazed at what women are doing with fabric.

1 comment:

Amber ~ The French Pressed Home said...

Maybe one day, I will have the patience to quilt the way your girls do!
;) Amber