But the more I looked at it the more I saw the potential for a wonderful pillow. I mean look at that little scotty dog.
They are big enough to be the centerpiece of a rectangle pillow done in 30's fabrics. I'll piece some blocks all around the outside and add a ruffle. Can't you just picture it?
The background is a white with red dot, very retro.
Of course I couldn't get anything done without my bucket of applique' tools.Since I'm sharing...I've been struggling with shoulder pain since Thanksgiving. While looking for a shoulder harness at the local sporting goods shop I was steered towards this tape that the, and I quote, "Olympians" use. Well say no more and make mine hot pink.
Now if the kids would just stop being freaked out just because I ask them to tape mom up.
oooo, a scottie dog?? i want to do that too!! i am gonna make a pillow too!!! whats in that bucket o applique too.s? i want those! i'm gonna get right to this today!!!
This pillow is going to be adorable! I worked on prepping some applique for another BOM last night also - don't want to get behind.
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